This is event is available for participation on an ongoing basis
Registration is now open for the 4th Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring Meeting. This online event will take place on April 2nd and 3rd, 2025, from 13:00 to 16:30 UTC each day.
This is event is available for participation on an ongoing basis
The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was set up by the General Assembly in 1959 to govern the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all humanity: for peace, security and development. The Committee was tasked with reviewing international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space, studying space-related activities that could be undertaken by the United Nations, encouraging space research programmes, and studying legal problems arising from the exploration of outer space.
The ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence ( was established in 2020 through the EXCELSIOR H2020 Widespread Teaming project ( after upgrading the existing Remote Sensing and Geo-Environment Lab that operates at the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics of the Cyprus University of Technology since 2007. ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (CoE) aspires to become a world-class Digital Innovation Hub and a reference Centre for Earth Observation, Space technology and Geospatial Information in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, and North Africa (EMMENA) region.
The ERATOSTHENES CoE as a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) adopts a two-axis model. The vertical axis consists of three Thematic Departments for sustained excellence in research of the ERATOSTHENES CoE, i.e., Environment & Climate, Resilient Society and Big Earth Data Analytics, whereas the horizontal axis consists of four functional areas, i.e., Infrastructure, Research, Education and Entrepreneurship. The DIH will create an ecosystem which combines state-of-the-art remote sensing, data management and processing technologies, cutting – edge research opportunities, targeted education services and promotion of entrepreneurship. In order to be dynamic and innovative, the Digital Innovation Hub will be based on two flagship infrastructures (, a Satellite Ground Receiving Station and a Ground-based atmospheric remote sensing station.
ERATOSTHENES CoE hosts a multi-disciplinary team of highly skilled researchers and engineers with numerous publications in peer reviewed journals, nominations and awards, as well research projects funded from various European and National funding sources in different thematic areas, such as Environment & Climate (Atmosphere, Agriculture, Water, Land), Resilient Society (Disaster Risk Reduction, Cultural Heritage, Marine Safety & Security, Energy) and Big Earth Data Analytics (Information Extraction, Visual Exploration & Visualization, Crowdsourcing & Data Fusion, Geoinformatics.). The activities of the Disaster Risk Reduction Cluster of the ERATOSTHENES CoE, that are directly aligned to the goals of UN-SPIDER, involve the systematic monitoring of hazards, the development of Early Warning and Decision Support Systems dealing with earthquakes, landslides, coastal/soil erosions, forest fires, floods, drought and epidemics.
· Archived satellite data from various sources (Copernicus, MODIS, etc.) ·
The ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (CoE) engages with the complete ecosystem of stakeholders in a Multi-Actor approach, linking with players segmented according to their geographic location (from central Europe, to South-Eastern Europe, to EMMENA region), their position in the EO value chain (from EO data providers, to science laboratories and research institutes, to SMEs and large industries) and their mandate (from Public Sector, to sectorial coordination organizations, to economic development banks, etc.).
In this framework, ERATOSTHENES CoE provide capacity building for the professional development of public and private stakeholders in Cyprus and beyond with a focus on equipping and facilitating scientific and research personnel in the field of Earth Observation and Geoinformatics. The programme acts as a regional multiplier in the EMMENA, educating the new generation of scientists and motivating them to create new businesses, capitalizing on innovative research. In addition to the ERATOSTHENES CoE staff, governmental departments, private companies and end-users can benefit from the EO professional training schemes. Moreover, ERATOSTHENES CoE is a certified Vocational and Education Training (VET) Centre under the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority (HRDA), capable to carry out subsidized, co-financed and/or advertised by HRDA training activities.
Last but not least, ERATOSTHENES CoE offers, in collaboration with the Cyprus University of Technology, a MSc degree in Geoinformatics and Earth Observation, and PhD students at Cyprus University of Technology have access to the ERATOSTHENES CoE facilities and infrastructure to conduct their research.
The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) and UNOOSA signed a cooperation agreement to establish an UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office in June 2024. SANSA is established to promote the use of space and strengthen cooperation in space-related activities while fostering research in space science, advancing scientific engineering through developing human capital development, and supporting industrial development in space technologies. As an RSO, SANSA continues to provide experts for UN-SPIDER's technical advisory support to countries within the SADC region and to contribute to capacity building efforts in the region.
The South African Geo-information and space industry has expertise on various themes inclusive of remote sensing, cartography, data analytics/science, and satellite development.
SANSA conducts research, develops and provide geo-spatial information and knowledge related to Agriculture, water resources, Disaster management, human settlements etc. It supports the policy and planning processes of the country. SANSA also provides satellite imagery to governments.
SANSA is an entity of Department of Science and Innovation, created to promote the use of space and strengthen cooperation in space-related activities while fostering research in space science, advancing scientific engineering through developing human capital, and supporting industrial development in space technologies. The research and work carried out at SANSA focuses on Earth observation, space science, space engineering and space operations. Much of this work involves monitoring the Earth for policy and decision making, resource and disaster management, food security and national security. SANSA also provides state-of-the-art facilities to monitor space weather, provide launch support and data downloads as well as supporting the growth of the local space industry.
SANSA provide remote sensing trainings, covering from the basics of remote sensing to specialised theme specific trainings on the applications of remote sensing. These trainings are provided physically or online depending on the needs of training participants.
information [at] (information[at]sansa[dot]org[dot]za)
Sentinel-1 is a two satellite constellation with the prime objectives of land and ocean monitoring. The goal of the mission is to provide C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data continuity following the retirement of ERS-2 and the end of the Envisat mission. To accomplish this the satellites carry a C-SAR sensor, which offers medium and high resolution imaging in all weather conditiions. The C-SAR is capable of obtaining night imagery and detecting small movement on the ground, which makes it useful for land and sea monitoring.